$219.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Jonny Melon's Blogging Academy 2.0


✅ 7 step-by-step Blog-Building Video Modules that take you by the hand to transform your blog into a money-making machine!

✅ 24/7 INSTANT and Lifetime Access to the course so you can revisit whenever you like!

✅ All future course updates and inclusions!

[VALUE: $997]


✅ The Ultimate Blog Post Blueprint for creating SEO-optimized posts that rank on the 1st page of Google! (Value: $77)

✅ Blog Post Traffic Booster Checklist to make sure you cover all the steps for getting your blog post seen! (Value: $19)

✅ Fill-in-the-blank E-mail Templates that are proven to work when reaching out to brands, hotels & tourism boards. (Value: $67)

✅ Copy and paste Instagram DM Templates to make reaching out to brands easy! (Value: $29)

✅ The Blogger's Bible - your go-to guide with all the helpful links and resources you'll use on a weekly basis! (Value: $47)

✅ How To Travel For FREE Masterclass where I teach you my complete Pitching Process to get collaborations with luxury hotels, tour companies & tourism boards! (Value: $197)

✅ Access to a Private Facebook Community for extra support! (Value: $297)

✅ 30-minute 1:1 Coaching Call (Priceless)


What People Are Saying:

The experience from the course has been nothing short of incredible and I am confident that my blog is now on track to success!


I've been binge-watching the course and haven't had any decent sleep because it's chock-full of golden nuggets. Thank you for putting it together Jonny!


I finally passed 20k pageviews in a 30-day period! Thanks Jonny for your course. Helpful tips, and success to aspire to!
